Our Product & Services

Pupuk Organik Padat

Fertilizer produced from the formulation of solid and liquid waste from palm oil mills in the form of granules and powder (bulk).

Pupuk Hayati Padat

Fertilizer produced from the formulation of solid and liquid waste from palm oil mills in the form of granules and powder (bulk), enriched with potential bacteria.

Pupuk Organik Cair

Fertilizer that is naturally made through the fermentation process of organic materials, plant residues, and animal manure.

Pupuk Hayati Cair

Liquid fertilizer that functions as a biofertilizer containing functional microorganisms (bacteria, fungi, and actinomycetes).


This is an organic material resulting from the decomposition process carried out by microorganisms, converting complex compounds into simpler ones, functioning as organic matter degraders and soil conditioners.

Raw materials

Empty Fruit Bunches

Liquid Waste



Bio Pellet

Biomass Fuel derived from Palm Oil Industry By-products (Empty Fruit Bunches). Processed using renewable technology to achieve a quality with potassium content <3% and producing a calorific value of >4000 Kcal.


Biomass Fuel derived from palm oil industry by-products (Empty Fruit Bunches). Processed using Pyrolysis Technology at a temperature of 400°C.

Green Business

Becoming a partner in the solution for handling by-products of the palm oil industry, with the concept of green industry.

Empty Bunch Ash

Sale of combustion material from empty fruit bunches with a potassium oxide (K2O) content of >36%, which has the potential to fulfill plant nutrient requirements.


Our Products Organic Fertilizer

Improve soil structure

Increases water retention and absorption capacity in the soil.

Adds and activates nutrients in the soil that are beneficial for plant growth.

Contains potential nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphate solubilizers, and root growth hormone promoters.

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