Using Green Grow: "This Farmer Proves Satisfying Harvest Results"
It’s understandable that he was initially hesitant when offered the chance to try fertilizer made from palm oil factory waste. Besides being unfamiliar, farmers are used to using chemical fertilizers. This organic waste-based fertilizer, branded GreenGrow, is a granule pioneer and an innovation by PT Menthobi Karyatama Raya Tbk / MKTR through its subsidiary, PT Menthobi Hijau Lestari / MHL.
See the Results: The farmer’s rice and other crops grew lushly, exceeding his expectations. “What I’m using here is purely from PT Menthobi. I’m applying the granule form of this organic fertilizer, and I can really feel the remarkable benefits. You can see here how the water shoots have emerged, and the growth is very balanced.”
The results are highly satisfying. Even after multiple harvests, the plants still produce healthy chili peppers, free from Fusarium wilt and bacterial wilt.
“So when I applied it, you can see here, after several harvests, there’s no Fusarium wilt or bacterial wilt.”
As long as the lighting is good and optimal, the harvest will be even more satisfying.
Farmers, would you like to try it?
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Office Jl. Otista Raya No.80, Gedung Wisma Maktour Lantai 4 Jakarta Timur
Site Jl. Trans Kalimantan km 11, Desa Kujan, Kabupaten Lamandau Kalimantan Tengah