PT Menthobi Hijau Lestari (PT MHL) is a subsidiary of PT Menthobi Karya Tama Raya (PT MKTR Tbk). The production of bio-organic fertilizer was born out of the problem of waste generated by palm oil mills, both solid and liquid waste. Starting from concerns about the increasing waste piles, which are negatively impacting ecosystems and the environment, PT MHL began utilizing the solid and liquid waste to create eco-friendly products. These products improve soil health and provide protection against diseases that plague the palm oil plantation business, such as Ganoderma. Ganoderma is not a plant disease but rather a soil disease. It indicates that the soil under the palm oil trees is severely deficient in organic matter. By ensuring that there is sufficient organic matter around the base of the palm oil trees, the disease that threatens the palm oil industry will not arise, thus improving the efficiency of organic fertilization in palm oil plantations.
The massive use of organic fertilizers can lead to the depletion of essential nutrients, reducing soil health and the availability of beneficial microorganisms that contribute to soil health. Eventually, these microorganisms in the soil may no longer exist, effectively dying off. One ton of fresh fruit bunches (FFB) produces 23% empty fruit bunch (EFB) waste, equivalent to 230 kilograms. The average annual EFB waste in Indonesia is around 450 million tons, illustrating the immense amount of waste generated each year. Based on analysis conducted in PT MHL’s laboratory, the EFB waste contains 1.5% Nitrogen, 0.5% Phosphate, 7.3% Potassium, and 0.9% Magnesium. Similarly, Palm Oil Mill Effluent (POME) waste in Indonesia is estimated to exceed 28.7 million tons per year. Typically, POME treatment is carried out conventionally using pond systems. However, the waste produced often does not meet quality standards, with Total Suspended Solids (TSS) from anaerobic processing still around 400 mg/l. Therefore, an aerobic process involving microorganisms is necessary to reduce TSS levels.
PT MHL collects and isolates potential bacteria and fungi beneficial to plants, which are used in the formulation of liquid and solid bio-organic fertilizers that the company produces. This method enhances the effectiveness of organic fertilizer use while improving soil health. PT Menthobi Hijau Lestari (PT MHL) possesses a collection of both bacteria and fungi with great potential. These bacteria are isolated from oil palm roots, soil, and liquid waste from the MMAL plantation area, a subsidiary of PT MKTR Tbk. The beneficial microorganisms and fungi owned by PT MHL play a vital role in the decomposition process, positively impacting the use of these potential bacteria in the formulation of both solid and liquid bio-organic fertilizers.
The production of solid and liquid bio-organic fertilizers is crucial in the plantation and agricultural industries, serving as one of the foundations for economic stability and food security. PT MHL’s fertilizer plant is located in Desa Kujan, Lamandau Regency, Central Kalimantan. Waste processing technology is supported by complete laboratory facilities, skilled human resources, and stakeholders who play a significant role in supporting the Green Grow bio-fertilizer program. The comprehensive laboratory facilities and expert human resources contribute directly to the analysis of raw materials, product processes, and final production results. Quality control analysis is consistently carried out as part of PT MHL’s operational standards, ensuring that all products comply with Ministry of Agriculture regulations, adhering to quality and effectiveness tests. PT MHL is committed to producing high-quality organic and bio-organic fertilizers while also ensuring environmental sustainability.
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Jl. Otista Raya No.80, Gedung Wisma Maktour Lantai 4
Jakarta Timur
Jl. Trans Kalimantan km 11,
Desa Kujan, Kabupaten Lamandau
Kalimantan Tengah
+62 811 1015 767