Jakarta – PT Menthobi Karyatama Raya Tbk (MKTR) has realized the strengthening of sustainability practices in the national palm oil plantation and processing industry through a collaboration scheme. In addition to fulfilling the responsibility of reducing environmental impact, this initiative by the Company, which is part of the Maktour group, also creates added value from an economic perspective through by-product processing.
The collaboration in question is realized between MKTR and PT Mahkota Group Tbk (MGRO) by building a production facility for a granular compost fertilizer factory using palm oil Empty Fruit Bunches (EFB) as raw material in Palembang, South Sumatra, inaugurated on October 1, 2024. “This collaboration is part of the implementation of the green industry that will produce high-quality organic fertilizer,” said MKTR Director, M. Pahlevi Pangerang, during the inauguration of this collaborative factory.
The expansion of by-product processing practices, specifically waste from palm oil mills, is inseparable from the success within MKTR, which has already produced solid and liquid organic fertilizers. This is carried out through a subsidiary, PT Menthobi Hijau Lestari (MHL), whose products are marketed under the GreenGrow brand, a pioneer in producing solid organic fertilizers in granular form from palm oil waste.
“We understand the important role of the palm oil industry in the national economy. However, our responsibility does not stop at the economic aspect alone, as we have a great responsibility to ensure that the practices we implement provide positive impacts on the environment,” Pahlevi explained.
Therefore, Pahlevi said, MKTR is open to collaboration and strategic partnerships with more parties. This is an effort to expand the Company’s and the industry’s contribution to achieving a green industry that provides sustainable and long-term benefits.
Specifically, for the collaboration between MKTR and MGRO, operational activities will be carried out by their respective subsidiaries, namely PT MHL and PT Berlian Inti Mekar (PT BIM). The granular compost fertilizer factory using EFB as raw material is located on a 50.48-hectare area owned by PT BIM in South Sumatra, with a production capacity of up to 40 tons per day.
MHL Director, Dadan Ramdhani, said that the products produced will be marketed under the GreenGrow brand, which has obtained production and marketing permits and meets Indonesian National Standards (SNI). “We are optimistic that this collaboration to process by-products from the palm oil industry will not only add value to both companies but also to the industry and the environment. It is part of an industrial practice that prioritizes sustainability principles.
Moreover, the presence of this organic fertilizer factory will reduce chemical processes such as burning agricultural residues and eliminate open waste disposal practices and waste management practices that produce methane emissions. It will contribute to the reduction of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions.
“This is the first granular compost fertilizer factory using EFB as raw material in South Sumatra, which also provides a solution to palm oil mill waste management, turning it into added value,” said Mahkota Group President Director, Usli Sarsi.
The positive content in the GreenGrow product can improve soil structure, increase soil water retention and absorption capacity, as well as enhance and activate nutrients in the soil. GreenGrow contains nitrogen-fixing bacteria, phosphate-solubilizing bacteria, and root growth hormone promoters that are highly beneficial to plants.
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